
Table of Contents
afc_stringnode_add -- Adds a new string in the StringNode list
afc_stringnode_addr -- Returns a pointer to the List managed by StringNode
afc_stringnode_change -- Changes the string of a node in the list
afc_stringnode_clear -- Deletes all the strings in the StringNode
afc_stringnode_clear_stack -- Clears the stack of pushed string
afc_stringnode_clone -- Clones a StringNode creating a new one
afc_stringnode_del -- Deletes the current string from the list
afc_stringnode_delete -- Disposes an existing StringNode
afc_stringnode_first -- Returns the first item in the StringNode's list
afc_stringnode_get -- Returns a pointer to the current list Node.
afc_stringnode_insert -- Inserts a string in the current list position
afc_stringnode_is_empty -- Checks if the StringNode's list is empty
afc_stringnode_item -- Returns the desired item in the StringNode's list
afc_stringnode_last -- Returns the last item in the StringNode's list
afc_stringnode_new -- Initializes a new StringNode object.
afc_stringnode_numerical_pos -- Returns the ordinal position of the current string in the list
afc_stringnode_num_items -- Returns the number of strings in the list
afc_stringnode_obj -- Returns the current string in the StringNode's list
afc_stringnode_pop -- Returns the last item pushed on the stack
afc_stringnode_prev -- Returns the previous item in the StringNode's list
afc_stringnode_push -- Pushes the current list position on the stack
afc_stringnode_search -- Searches the list for the specified string
afc_stringnode_sort -- Sorts the strings in the list
afc_stringnode_split -- Splits a string
afc_stringnode_succ -- Returns the next item in the StringNode's list